Press Release: Employer’s Guide to Preparing for the Coronavirus


An employer’s guide to preparing for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)

CHATHAM, NJ – March 10, 2020 Nukk-Freeman & Cerra, PC Employment Attorneys (NFC), a top-ranked Employment Law Firm representing management, is offering tips and important information to employers on how to prepare for the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the workplace. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) is a respiratory infection first identified in Wuhan City, China in December 2019. Given the increasing alarm of the situation, the question of: What should employers do?  is most likely foremost on the minds of the leaders in many organizations.

“This is a rapidly evolving situation and employers should stay informed on the latest developments. The risk of successful discrimination, privacy, and other legal claims by employees is significantly reduced when employers properly follow public health guidance and consult counsel with any concerns,” says Katherin Nukk-Freeman, Partner at NFC.  “By staying level-headed and addressing employment concerns thoughtfully and with care, employers likewise will manage through the current health crisis.” In an effort to keep employers informed of the latest news, information and tips on Coronavirus as it relates to employment law, NFC published a dedicated e-Alert, which can be viewed here:–COVID-19-.html?soid=1102448202994&aid=nKTtPi4kb4U


About Nukk-Freeman & Cerra, P.C.

Recognized as one of the top employment law firms in the New York Metropolitan Area, NFC provides a progressive, creative and forward thinking approach to the practice of management-side employment law. Staffed with highly experienced employment attorneys and a robust support team, we deliver superior work product and incomparable client service. NFC attorneys have litigated thousands of cases and handled appeals at all levels in state and federal courts and before administrative agencies. Our substantive knowledge encompasses all areas of employment and benefits law. In addition, NFC has an entire team dedicated to developing meaningful and impactful employment law training. We work vigorously to counsel our clients on the most effective preventative measures.

Staffed with highly experienced employment attorneys and a robust support team, we deliver superior work product and incomparable client service. NFC attorneys have litigated thousands of cases and handled appeals at all levels in state and federal courts and before administrative agencies. Our substantive knowledge encompasses all areas of employment and benefits law. In addition, NFC has an entire team dedicated to developing meaningful and impactful employment law training. We work vigorously to counsel our clients on the most effective preventative measures.



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