News & Insights

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On July 27, 2021, the CDC updated its Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People to add that fully vaccinated people should wear a mask


On July 27, 2021, the CDC updated its Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vaccinated People to add that fully vaccinated people should wear a mask


In previous eAlerts we have reminded employers to revisit their independent contractor classifications due to changing laws. Now, New Jersey employers have additional incentive to


Governor Cuomo signed the New York Health and Essential Rights Act (the “NY HERO Act”) into law on May 5, 2021, with amendments enacted


As discussed in prior alerts issued by our firm (HERE and HERE), New Jersey enacted legislation amending the New Jersey Warn Act (officially known as the


As discussed in a prior alert issued by our firm HERE, new legislation which drastically amends the New Jersey Warn Act (officially known as the


As you can appreciate, Nukk-Freeman & Cerra has been flooded with questions from our clients related to the coronavirus issue (“COVID-19”). We are fully available


As you can appreciate, Nukk-Freeman & Cerra has been flooded with questions from our clients related to the coronavirus issue (“COVID-19”). We are fully


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) is a respiratory infection first identified in Wuhan City, China in December 2019. The World Health Organization (“WHO”), which is


DOL Issues Final Rules on Earned Sick Leave The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (“NJDOL”) recently issued Final Regulations governing the


U.S. Department of Labor Issues Final Rule Increasing Salary Threshold for Exempt Employees Six months after seeking public comment on proposed changes to the


ATTENTION: NEW JERSEY EMPLOYERS On January 21, 2020, New Jersey became the first state in the country to require severance pay for mass layoffs

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